Plant Clinic – at MG Plant Sale
Greenhouse at Rustemeyer Road 86 Rustemeyer Road, Aberdeen, WA, United States3 /29 hoquim library 10am-2pm 4 / 5 west port winery mermaid festival 10am -2pm 4 / 12 west port winery mermaid festival 10am-2pm 4 / 19 west port winery mermaid festival 10am-2pm 4 / 25 west port winery mermaid festival 10am-2pm 5 / 10 home depot aberdeen 9am-4pm 5 / 10 bay view lumber […]
Spring Planter Sale – Rustmeyer Road – May 10, 2025
Rustemeyer 86 Rustemeyer Rd, Aberdeen, WA, United StatesBlooming Cedar Planters for Sale! Just in time for Mother’s Day, our signature stylish planters in cedar and galvanized metal will be for sale at two locations. These planters are priced between $40 to $60, depending on sizes and styles. There are three styles of planters—medium, tall and “toolbox” and hanging baskets, too. Each is […]
Spring Planter Sale – Ocean Shores – May 10, 2025
Garden by the Sea 824 Ocean Shores Blvd. N.W., Ocean Shores, WA, United StatesBlooming Cedar Planters for Sale! Just in time for Mother’s Day, our signature stylish planters in cedar and galvanized metal will be for sale at two locations. These planters are priced between $40 to $60, depending on sizes and styles. There are three styles of planters—medium, tall and “toolbox” and hanging baskets, too. Each is […]
Youth Activities at Westport Winery Mermaid Festival
Westport Winery 1 South Arbor Road, Aberdeen, WA, United StatesKelly Miller or Elizabeth Sims for Youth Activities, we will be joining the Plant Clinic and Lou Clark will be coordinating the daily volunteer schedule. Our Youth Outreach Committee will provide a booth with youth activities, including displays and resources related to a pre-selected WSU priority. We will partner with the plant clinic. Materials and […]
General Meeting
Zoom MeetingGeneral Meeting. This occurs the Second Tuesday of the month 10AM - Noon Zoom: (Meeting ID: 883 0870 4813 with Passcode: 435193 or dialin at +12532158782,,88308704813#,,,,*435193#)
Foundation Board meeting
Zoom MeetingFoundation Board meetings occur the second Tuesday of Each Month. Times: Start: 1 PM End: 2 PM Zoom info:</a> (Meeting ID: 883 0870 4813 with Passcode: 435193 or dialin at +12532158782,,88308704813#,,,,*435193#