The Master Gardeners of Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties will be hosting a Plant Clinic on the 2nd and 4th Mondays, each month from April through September, (except for Memorial Day, May 27th), from 10:00 AM to 1 PM in South Bend at the WSU Extension Pacific County Office. Common questions for the Master […]
The Master Gardeners of Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties invite you to learn how to make Kokedamas, Japanese "moss balls" in our workshop for adults. This unique and fun form of potting plants has been around for centuries. It is easy to do and makes great gifts! Preregister at the Ocean Shores Public Library. Space […]
The Master Gardeners of Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties will be hosting a Plant Clinic on the 2nd and 4th Mondays, each month from April through September, (except for Memorial Day, May 27th), from 10:00 AM to 1 PM in South Bend at the WSU Extension Pacific County Office. Common questions for the Master Gardener […]
The Master Gardeners of Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties will be hosting a Plant Clinic on October 4th from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. at the Autumn Celebration in Taholah. Common questions for the Master Gardener volunteers are: What plants grow best in the Pacific Northwest? What can I grow in the maritime environment? How […]