1st Saturday with Master Gardeners – Holiday Plants for the Home

WSU Extension Grays Harbor County Office 34 Elma-McCleary Road, Elma, WA, United States

One sure-fire way to add cheer to the holiday home is with a brightly flowering plant. Poinsettias in their many new colors, a Christmas cactus, or an amaryllis are popular holiday plants and are widely available in our area. The final 2018 workshop will look at the plants that we receive as gifts this time […]

1st Saturday with Master Gardeners – Pruning, Planting, and Pests

WSU Extension Grays Harbor County Office 34 Elma-McCleary Road, Elma, WA, United States

Pruning blueberry plant •Photo by Mark Ehlenfeldt, courtesy of USDA ARS.The 1st Saturday workshop for November will focus on garden tasks well suited to the month of November and late Fall. The workshop will be held at the WSU Extension Grays Harbor Office meeting room. This location is at the Grays Harbor County Fairgrounds in […]

1st Saturday Workshop with Master Gardeners – Fall into Gardening

WSU Extension Grays Harbor County Office 34 Elma-McCleary Road, Elma, WA, United States

This first workshop, in the series of 1st Saturday Workshops with Master Gardeners, will focus on fall garden topics. We will tentatively have a giveaway of cover crop seeds (at the moment we are thinking of radishes). We will be covering the following topics: When to expect the first winter frost How to use cold […]

Small Space Gardening Workshop – Elma

WSU Extension Grays Harbor County Office 34 Elma-McCleary Road, Elma, WA, United States

This is for gardeners who have a shortage of space, but lots of enthusiasm.  It will include a discussion of standard and unusual containers, straw bales, square foot and vertical gardening.  If possible, lettuce starts may be available for attendees.  A plant clinic will follow the  workshop.