Our ‘A’ to ‘Z’ of Gardening Terms

Terms that begin with “V”

vacuoleA fluid-filled sac within a cell.
vaporizationThe evaporation of the active ingredient in a pesticide during or after application.
variegationAn inherited, irregular pattern of color on a leaf or petal.
varietyA strain of a plant having distinctive features that persist over successive generations in the absence of human intervention. Generally, variety applies to naturally occurring strains, while cultivar applies to horticulturally developed strains.
vascular cambiumA narrow cylinder of cells that gives rise to secondary xylem and phloem. A lateral meristem.
vascular plantA plant which has water and food conducting tissues.
vascular tissueWater-, nutrient-, and photosynthate-conducting tissue. See xylem, phloem.
vectorA transmitter or carrier of disease.
vegetative propagationThe increase of plants by asexual means using vegetative parts. Normally results in a population of identical individuals. Can occur by either natural means (e.g., bulblets, cormels, offsets, plantlets, or runners), or by artificial means (e.g., cuttings, division, budding, grafting, or layering).
veinA strand of xylem and phloem in a leaf blade.
venationThe arrangement of veins in a leaf.
vernalizationA low-temperature treatment promoting flowering.
vernationThe arrangement of new leaves within an older leaf sheath (e.g., on a grass plant).
vertical spacingThe vertical space between branches on a tree.
viabilityA seed’s ability to germinate.
virusAn infectious agent too small to see with a compound microscope. Multiplies only within a living host cell.