Plant Clinic – Home and Garden Show
Grays Harbor County Fairgrounds - Dog Barn 32 Elma McCleary Rd, Elma, WA, United States3 /29 hoquim library 10am-2pm 4 / 5 west port winery mermaid festival 10am -2pm 4 / 12 west port winery mermaid festival 10am-2pm 4 / 19 west port winery mermaid festival 10am-2pm 4 / 25 west port winery mermaid festival 10am-2pm 5 / 10 home depot aberdeen 9am-4pm 5 / 10 bay view lumber […]
Greater Grays Harbor County Master Gardeners monthly meetings
To be determinedSATURDAY March 15th, 10 - noon, TBA April 26th, 10 - noon, TBA (4th Sat) May 24th, 10 - noon, TBA (4th Sat) June 21st, 10 - noon, TBA July 26th, 10 - noon, TBA (4th) August 16th, 10 - noon, TBA (LIKELY CANCELLED TO AVOID CONFLICTS w/County Fairs) September 20th, 10 - noon, TBA […]
Youth Activities at Westport Winery Mermaid Festival
Westport Winery 1 South Arbor Road, Aberdeen, WA, United StatesKelly Miller or Elizabeth Sims for Youth Activities, we will be joining the Plant Clinic and Lou Clark will be coordinating the daily volunteer schedule. Our Youth Outreach Committee will provide a booth with youth activities, including displays and resources related to a pre-selected WSU priority. We will partner with the plant clinic. Materials and […]
Plant Clinics for the Ocean Shores area
Ace Hardware 641 Point Brown Ave NE, Ocean Shores, United StatesWe need Volunteers for each date and time slot If one person wants to work both shifts that is OK as well 2 shifts; 2 hours each- 2 -3 volunteers for each shift April 5th -Saturday- for Opening Day for Garden By The Sea community garden at 824 Ocean Shores Blvd.-10:00am-1:00pm May 3rd- Saturday- for […]
Youth Activities at Westport Winery Mermaid Festival
Westport Winery 1 South Arbor Road, Aberdeen, WA, United StatesKelly Miller or Elizabeth Sims for Youth Activities, we will be joining the Plant Clinic and Lou Clark will be coordinating the daily volunteer schedule. Our Youth Outreach Committee will provide a booth with youth activities, including displays and resources related to a pre-selected WSU priority. We will partner with the plant clinic. Materials and […]
Grays Harbor/Pacific Counties Youth Outreach Planning meetings
Ocean Shores Public LIbrary 573 Pt. Brown Ave NW, Ocean Shores, WA, United StatesAll interested MGs and Interns are welcome to join our planning meetings. Help is needed during meetings to plan a variety YO activites focused on WSU priorities in age appropriate activities and displays. Vlunteers will be needed to prepare materials, as well as develop booth resources and displays. During events, volunteers will be needeed to […]