All interested MGs and Interns are welcome to join our planning meetings. Help is needed during meetings to plan a variety YO activites focused on WSU priorities in age appropriate activities and displays. Vlunteers will be needed to prepare materials, as well as develop booth resources and displays. During events, volunteers will be needeed to […]
Friday April 4, 2025 from 10:30 to 12:00 at the Raymond Timberland Library Friday May 16, 2025 from 12:30 to 1:00 at the Elma Fairgrounds, in the Pavillion at the Children's Booth (No Zoom Option this Date) Friday June 5 , 2025 from 11:30 to 12:30 at the Ocean Shores Library The zoom link below […]
We need Volunteers for each date and time slot If one person wants to work both shifts that is OK as well 2 shifts; 2 hours each- 2 -3 volunteers for each shift April 5th -Saturday- for Opening Day for Garden By The Sea community garden at 824 Ocean Shores Blvd.-10:00am-1:00pm May 3rd- Saturday- for […]
Kelly Miller or Elizabeth Sims for Youth Activities, we will be joining the Plant Clinic and Lou Clark will be coordinating the daily volunteer schedule. Our Youth Outreach Committee will provide a booth with youth activities, including displays and resources related to a pre-selected WSU priority. We will partner with the plant clinic. Materials and […]
contact lou to schedule 3 / 29 hoquim library 10am-2pm 4 / 5 west port winery mermaid festival 12 - 4 4 / 12 west port winery mermaid festival 12 - 4 4 / 19 west port winery mermaid festival 12 - 4 4 / 26 west port winery mermaid festival 12 - 4 5 […]
General Meeting. This occurs the Second Tuesday of the month 10AM - Noon Zoom: (Meeting ID: 883 0870 4813 with Passcode: 435193 or dialin at +12532158782,,88308704813#,,,,*435193#)
Foundation Board meetings occur the second Tuesday of Each Month. Times: Start: 1 PM End: 2 PM Zoom info:</a> (Meeting ID: 883 0870 4813 with Passcode: 435193 or dialin at +12532158782,,88308704813#,,,,*435193#
contact lou to schedule 3 / 29 hoquim library 10am-2pm 4 / 5 west port winery mermaid festival 12 - 4 4 / 12 west port winery mermaid festival 12 - 4 4 / 19 west port winery mermaid festival 12 - 4 4 / 26 west port winery mermaid festival 12 - 4 5 […]
Kelly Miller or Elizabeth Sims for Youth Activities, we will be joining the Plant Clinic and Lou Clark will be coordinating the daily volunteer schedule. Our Youth Outreach Committee will provide a booth with youth activities, including displays and resources related to a pre-selected WSU priority. We will partner with the plant clinic. Materials and […]
Lake Sylvia Trillium Count. WSU Master Gardeners will have an informational booth at the annual Lake Sylvia Trillium Count in the pavilion. Several volunteers are needed to host at the booth and set up. Hours will be coded as Other Educational Delivery (OED). Note: Discover Pass is required to park inside the park. Contact Laurie […]
Everyone is welcome to the in person and Zoom Meetings. Zoom info will be sent out prior to the meeting time by text and email. March 20th-Thursday- Monthly meeting at OS Library -573 Point Brown Ave NE- 6:00-7:00pm April 17th- ZOOM Monthly Meeting- 6:00-7:00pm May 15th- ZOOM- Monthly Meeting- 6:00-7:00pm June 19th- ZOOM- Monthly Meeting-6:00-7:00pm […]
WSU Master Gardeners of Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties are sponsoring a Plant Clinic and Information Center at the Columbia Pacific Heritage Museum located at 115 Lake Street, Ilwaco. We will be there to address your plant questions, concerns, and suggestions. The Plant Clinic will be located in the cafe room of the museum. If […]
WSU Master Gardeners of Pacific County will present a class on “Growing a Vegetable Garden to Make Salsa”. Everything you need to make a delicious salsa can be grown in containers as well as in the garden. Learn best horticultural practices for growing tomatillos, tomatoes, peppers, serrano and jalapeno peppers, and garlic in containers. Participants […]
WSU Master Gardeners of Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties are sponsoring a Plant Clinic and Information Center at the Columbia Pacific Heritage Museum in Ilwaco on Saturday, April 19, from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. We will be there to address your plant questions, concerns, and suggestions. The Discovery Garden is located behind the Museum’s […]
Join the WSU Extension Master Gardeners of Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties for our Growing a Salsa Vegetable Garden Workshop on April 19th from 11 AM to 1 PM at the Columbia Pacific Heritage Museum, 115 W Lake Street in Ilwaco. Everything you need to make a delicious salsa can be grown in containers as […]
contact lou to schedule 3 / 29 hoquim library 10am-2pm 4 / 5 west port winery mermaid festival 12 - 4 4 / 12 west port winery mermaid festival 12 - 4 4 / 19 west port winery mermaid festival 12 - 4 4 / 26 west port winery mermaid festival 12 - 4 5 […]
Kelly Miller or Elizabeth Sims for Youth Activities, we will be joining the Plant Clinic and Lou Clark will be coordinating the daily volunteer schedule. Our Youth Outreach Committee will provide a booth with youth activities, including displays and resources related to a pre-selected WSU priority. We will partner with the plant clinic. Materials and […]
February: Monday, February 17, 1-3 pm See eNews for topic details March: Monday, March 17, 1-3 pm See eNews for topic details April: Monday, April 14, 1-3 pm See eNews for topic details June: Monda,y June 16, 1-3 pm See eNews for topic details September Monday, Sept 15, 1-3 pm See eNews for topic details […]
contact lou to schedule 3 / 29 hoquim library 10am-2pm 4 / 5 west port winery mermaid festival 12 - 4 4 / 12 west port winery mermaid festival 12 - 4 4 / 19 west port winery mermaid festival 12 - 4 4 / 26 west port winery mermaid festival 12 - 4 5 […]
Kelly Miller or Elizabeth Sims for Youth Activities, we will be joining the Plant Clinic and Lou Clark will be coordinating the daily volunteer schedule. Our Youth Outreach Committee will provide a booth with youth activities, including displays and resources related to a pre-selected WSU priority. We will partner with the plant clinic. Materials and […]
"The Scoop on Soil Foundation for a Successful Garden April 27, 2025, from 1 pm to 3 pm Held at the Elma Fair Grounds Dog Barn The presentation is as follows: Soil Health and History of Soil presentations followed by demonstration tables with the following topics Magnetic Soils pH: Why do we care Potting mix- […]
All interested MGs and Interns are welcome to join our planning meetings. Help is needed during meetings to plan a variety YO activites focused on WSU priorities in age appropriate activities and displays. Vlunteers will be needed to prepare materials, as well as develop booth resources and displays. During events, volunteers will be needeed to […]
We need Volunteers for each date and time slot If one person wants to work both shifts that is OK as well 2 shifts; 2 hours each- 2 -3 volunteers for each shift April 5th -Saturday- for Opening Day for Garden By The Sea community garden at 824 Ocean Shores Blvd.-10:00am-1:00pm May 3rd- Saturday- for […]
Kelly Miller or Elizabeth Sims for Youth Activities, we will be joining the Plant Clinic and Lou Clark will be coordinating the daily volunteer schedule. Our Youth Outreach Committee will provide a booth with youth activities, including displays and resources related to a pre-selected WSU priority. We will partner with the plant clinic. Materials and […]