MG Grays Harbor And Pacific County Youth Outreach Planning Committee meetings
Grays Harbor County Fairgrounds 32 Elma-McCleary Road, Elma, WA, United StatesFriday April 4, 2025 from 10:30 to 12:00 at the Raymond Timberland Library Friday May 16, 2025 from 12:30 to 1:00 at the Elma Fairgrounds, in the Pavillion at the Children's Booth (No Zoom Option this Date) Friday June 5 , 2025 from 11:30 to 12:30 at the Ocean Shores LibraryThe zoom link below is […]
Plant Clinic – Elma Home and Garden Show
Grays Harbor County Fairgrounds - Dog Barn 32 Elma McCleary Rd, Elma, WA, United States3 /29 hoquim library 10am-2pm 4 / 5 west port winery mermaid festival 10am -2pm 4 / 12 west port winery mermaid festival 10am-2pm 4 / 19 west port winery mermaid festival 10am-2pm 4 / 25 west port winery mermaid festival 10am-2pm 5 / 10 home depot aberdeen 9am-4pm 5 / 10 bay view lumber […]
Youth Activities at Westport Winery Mermaid Festival
Westport Winery 1 South Arbor Road, Aberdeen, WA, United StatesKelly Miller or Elizabeth Sims for Youth Activities, we will be joining the Plant Clinic and Lou Clark will be coordinating the daily volunteer schedule. Our Youth Outreach Committee will provide a booth with youth activities, including displays and resources related to a pre-selected WSU priority. We will partner with the plant clinic. Materials and […]
Plant Clinic – Home and Garden Show
Grays Harbor County Fairgrounds - Dog Barn 32 Elma McCleary Rd, Elma, WA, United States3 /29 hoquim library 10am-2pm 4 / 5 west port winery mermaid festival 10am -2pm 4 / 12 west port winery mermaid festival 10am-2pm 4 / 19 west port winery mermaid festival 10am-2pm 4 / 25 west port winery mermaid festival 10am-2pm 5 / 10 home depot aberdeen 9am-4pm 5 / 10 bay view lumber […]
Greater Grays Harbor County Master Gardeners monthly meetings
To be determinedSATURDAY March 15th, 10 - noon, TBA April 26th, 10 - noon, TBA (4th Sat) May 24th, 10 - noon, TBA (4th Sat) June 21st, 10 - noon, TBA July 26th, 10 - noon, TBA (4th) August 16th, 10 - noon, TBA (LIKELY CANCELLED TO AVOID CONFLICTS w/County Fairs) September 20th, 10 - noon, TBA […]
Youth Activities at Westport Winery Mermaid Festival
Westport Winery 1 South Arbor Road, Aberdeen, WA, United StatesKelly Miller or Elizabeth Sims for Youth Activities, we will be joining the Plant Clinic and Lou Clark will be coordinating the daily volunteer schedule. Our Youth Outreach Committee will provide a booth with youth activities, including displays and resources related to a pre-selected WSU priority. We will partner with the plant clinic. Materials and […]