Plant Clinic – Ilwaco
Columbia Pacific Heritage Museum 115 S E Lake Street, Ilwaco, WA, United StatesWSU Master Gardeners of Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties are sponsoring a Plant Clinic and Information Center at the Columbia Pacific Heritage Museum in Ilwaco on Saturday, February 22, from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. We will be there to address your plant questions, concerns, and suggestions. The Discovery Garden is located behind the Museum’s […]
Workparty at South Bend demonstration beds and garden
South Bend Demonstration Beds 227 E. Water St, South Bend, WA, United StatesFirst work party at the South Bend demonstration beds and garden. Focus will be on winter clean up and pruning. All MG's from both counties are welcome to join us! Interns: come and see the South Bend garden and get some of your required demonstration garden hours in. Garden is located at 227 Water Street, […]
Study Group planning meeting
WSU Extension Grays Harbor County Office 34 Elma-McCleary Road, Elma, WA, United StatesMeeting to plan upcoming monthly Study Group events
Coordinator Advisory Team Meeting
Zoom MeetingCoordinator advisory team meeting via Zoom March 4 and May 6 on Zoom at 10AM
Grays Harbor/Pacific Counties Youth Outreach Planning meetings
Elma Timberland Library 118 N 1st St, Elma, United StatesAll interested MGs and Interns are welcome to join our planning meetings. Help is needed during meetings to plan a variety YO activites focused on WSU priorities in age appropriate activities and displays. Vlunteers will be needed to prepare materials, as well as develop booth resources and displays. During events, volunteers will be needeed to […]
In-person Foundation Board strategic meeting
Raymond PUD 405 Duryea St, Raymond, WA, United StatesSaturday, March 8, 2025 Raymond PUD 405 Duryea St. Raymond, WA Tine: 10 to 2. (Building opens at 9 AM) Bring a sack lunch
General Meeting
Zoom MeetingGeneral Meeting. This occurs the Second Tuesday of the month 10AM - Noon Zoom: (Meeting ID: 883 0870 4813 with Passcode: 435193 or dialin at +12532158782,,88308704813#,,,,*435193#)
Foundation Board meeting
Zoom MeetingFoundation Board meetings occur the second Tuesday of Each Month. Times: Start: 1 PM End: 2 PM Zoom info:</a> (Meeting ID: 883 0870 4813 with Passcode: 435193 or dialin at +12532158782,,88308704813#,,,,*435193#
Greater Grays Harbor County Master Gardeners monthly meetings
Montesano Timberland Library 125 Main Street S, Montesano, WA, United StatesSATURDAY March 15th, 10 - noon, Montesano Library April 26th, 10 - noon, Montesano Library May 24th, 10 - noon, TBA (4th Sat) June 21st, 10 - noon, TBA July 26th, 10 - noon, TBA (4th) August 16th, 10 - noon, TBA (LIKELY CANCELLED TO AVOID CONFLICTS w/County Fairs) September 20th, 10 - noon, TBA […]
Informational Meeting on Plant Clinics
Bridget's Shop 199 Octopus Ave NE, Ocean Shores, WA, United StatesBridget has invited all interns and Master Gardeners to an informational meeting: Bridget’s shop- 199 Octopus Ave NE, Ocean Shores, WA March 15th, beginning at 11:00am Bring a sack lunch We will go over how a plant clinic works and what to expect. Bring your cell phone so we can practice using informational sites that […]